Local Flight

Flight details

Niederanven Flexible du 20/07/2023 au 30/09/2023
La Chalonne, Prunay    
Direct Flight
Duration : 01:15
2 seats
left out of 2
Flight posted on 19/07/2023

Flight details

  • Type of journey : Travel
  • Type of flight : Fine weather flight (VFR)
  • Departure time : flexible
  • Expected time of arrival : flexible
  • The Pilot can pick you up by car : No
  • Flexible departure time ? : No flexibility
  • Check-in time : 45 minutes before
  • Maximum luggage weight : 0 Lbs
  • Expected response time : Manual < 3 hours

Plane details

  • Model : PIPER ARCHER II P28A-180
  • Brand/Manufacturer : Piper
  • Cosiness : Standard
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Flight during day, expect departure on early morning at 09h00 and way back in the afternoon at around 17h00. You are free during the day to visit the city of Reims but return time has to be respected. No baggage is allowed, only a back bag which should not exceed 2kg. Aircraft rental is shared for this trip.

Warning: This flight is not a commercial flight, your flight can be canceled.
Example: for weather reasons.
For more information, please see the FAQ here.

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Departure at 09:00
Duration of the flight : 13:00
La Chalonne, Prunay
Arrival at 22:00
Book seats
This flight takes no more bookings.

100.00 per seat
Total =


Diogo F. 33 years old

Type of pilot :
Private pilot

  • E-mail (checked)
  • Phone number (checked)
  • Identity (checked)
  • License PPL(A) (checked)
  • Medical Certificate (checked)